MRKTNG Day 10.-11.9.2019 guest speakers Will Gilroy, WFA and Jon Wilkins, Karmarama

Better Marketing – Putting people first

”We want to help marketers deliver well-crafted, meaningful brand messages in a seamless and integrates digital-first environment. And a really big part of that is about adopting an industry-wide mindset that fundamentally puts people first; respecting their space rather than simply seeing them as consumers.”

Will Gilroy, Director of Policy and Communications, World Federation of Advertisers

”The future of brands, and thus marketing, depends on consistently striving for Better Marketing. Holding our customers and creativity tightly, whilst enjoying the newfound freedom of expression we now all have, will be critical.”

Jon Wilkins, Executive Chairman, Karmarama

Event tickets available here


Full program and event info: MRKTNG Day


Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat markkinoinnin ja viestinnän uutiset sekä uusimman MRKTNG-lehden ensimmäisten joukossa. Saat myös viikottain koulutuksistamme kerättyjä vinkkejä käyttöösi sekä tietoa järjestämistämme koulutuksista.


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