Cannes Lions Live 2021: This is a creative revolution

Get ready to reset your thinking for the year ahead as we begin to reveal the central themes and topics of Cannes Lions Live 2021. 

 After a period of rapid transformation – economically, culturally, logistically – the way we live, work, and think has shifted. This is a creative revolution, and we’re here to explore it – with new thinking for a new beginning. 

Alongside the first ever digitally broadcast Cannes Lions awards ceremony, from the 21 – 25 June, pass-holders will be able to access the on-demand platform. 

There, you’ll be able to enjoy everything from freshly produced series that investigate the most pressing topics for the industry today, to curated films that explore the possibilities for the future. Flick between keynote speeches from the most inspiring industry talent, and practical advice from the world’s best creative leaders. 

Each week, we’ll introduce you to a new theme or topic we’ll explore at Cannes Lions Live. Take a look at the released themes below. (See short videos by clicking the red headers)


What is just a passing fad, and what is going to stick around for the future? 

Technology took over our lives last year – and with it, we saw a boom of new platforms and products across the sector. From AI to Voice, eSports to IOT, 5G to mixed reality – it’s difcult to predict what’s simply novel right now… and what has the power to change our lives forever. 

In a world where you can purchase things via voice, thumb print and just one click – what is happening to the purchase journey? 

In a world where you can purchase things via voice, thumb print and just one click – what is happening to the purchase journey? Being able to buy things at lightning speed was once a novelty – but as e-commerce has grown and our screen times have increased exponentially, it’s becoming harder and harder to catch and keep the attention of the consumer. In turn, more and more start-ups and challenger brands are shaking up their purchase journey, going against the grain of ‘one-click purchase’ to create virtual moments that almost feel like an in-store experience. Join us to explore the ever-winding road of the consumer journey, how it’s changed, and where it’s headed. 

Technology took over our lives last year – and with it, we saw a boom of new platforms and products across the sector. 

From AI to Voice, eSports to IOT, 5G to mixed reality – it’s difficult to predict what’s simply novel right now… and what has the power to change our lives forever. 


What feels personal, and what feels like a step too far? 

It’s no surprise that a year of living through screens has increased our need for more personal, empathic communication. It’s also no shock that as people the world over craved company and connection more than ever before – brands leaned into the world of AI to recreate natural and authentic conversations. 

As technology becomes more and more intuitive, many questions have gone unanswered. For example, can an algorithm ever truly replace meaningful human interaction? What happens to personalisation if we get rid of cookies? What right do brands have to be “personal”, anyway? 

As suspicions rise over how tech brands use our data, and conspiracy theories over whether our gadgets are spying on us multiply, join us to take a look at the future of data and personalisation. 



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