Cannes Lions: Silver Lion coming home! How do you feel now, Alex Pineda?

How do you feel after the win, Alex Pineda, Chief Creative Officer TBWA\Helsinki

First of all, thank you so much for the support all the way and the beautiful coverage your team has been doing on this year’s Cannes Lions.

How do I feel? Well, winning in Cannes is always wonderful. I have been a recurrent winner over the past years, and every time I get that question, I give the same answer. People commonly think that “happiness” is the feeling right after winning, but for me is “relief”. Cannes is a tough show, where only the best of the world gets awarded, even shortlisted; a trophy is the reward of months and months of hard work and sacrifice. 96% of this year’s 26,753 submissions will go back home empty-handed. I feel relieved that TBWA\Helsinki is not one of those. Happiness will come tonight.

What was the secret to your victory?

The key to this achievement was the synergy and impeccable integration between 3 teams: Fortum, FishHeart and TBWA\Helsinki. The innovation itself comes from FishHeart, the engineering and implementation from Fortum, and the strategy, communication, social media campaign, and most importantly, the video case, packaged and crafted to perfection, from TBWA. Having an idea without a case is like having no idea after all.

Is there anything else you would like to mention?

I just want to conclude mentioning that since I arrived at TBWA\Helsinki, we have been going through an inspiring transformation process. Good things are happening inside the agency and most importantly, good things are happening with our brands. Our talents know that in Finland, there is no better place to be and grow. Our clients are certain of the level of creative quality we offer. The agency already had a deep knowledge of the Finnish culture, and now my focus is to keep elevating the quality of our product to the highest international standards.

In only 9 months, our creative results are already unparalleled. This Lion, is a confirmation of that.

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat markkinoinnin ja viestinnän uutiset sekä uusimman MRKTNG-lehden ensimmäisten joukossa. Saat myös viikottain koulutuksistamme kerättyjä vinkkejä käyttöösi sekä tietoa järjestämistämme koulutuksista.

Paula Harmaala on Marketing Finland Median ja MRKTNG-lehden päätoimittaja.

+358 50 3607 500

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat markkinoinnin ja viestinnän uutiset sekä uusimman MRKTNG-lehden ensimmäisten joukossa. Saat myös viikottain koulutuksistamme kerättyjä vinkkejä käyttöösi sekä tietoa järjestämistämme koulutuksista.




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