Huomisen televisio – Online Talk 18.11.

Euroopan kaupallisten televisioiden ja radioiden etujärjestö egta järjestää yhdessä The Global TV Groupin kanssa online-tapahtuman, jossa käsitellään television tulevaisuutta ja sen roolia brändinkrakennuksessa.

Online Talk on avoin kaikille kiinnostuneille.

The top management of TV channels and sales houses don’t often address international audiences… But three of them will, on 18 November, at the invitation of egta and the Global TV Group. They will share their vision and ambition for tomorrow’s TV which their teams are hard at work creating today. With the challenges and opportunities of digitisation, data, personalisation, impact on business performance and many more properly harnessed, there is really no limit to what TV can do for brands.  

On the occasion of the upcoming World TV Day, join Laura Molen (President, Advertising and Partnerships, NBCUniversal), Matthias Dang (CEO RTL Germany) and Jonathan Allan (COO Channel 4) as they share with you why TV is the medium that sits at the crossroad between viewers’ expectations, advertisers’ needs and broadcasters’ ambition and excellence.

This upcoming talk takes place on Thursday 18 November at 16:00 CET (15:00 GMT – 10:00 EST).

This is your chance to discover why there is no limit to what TV can do for your brand and get your teams up to speed. This Online Talk is open to everyone – so spread the news widely.

Register here

egta is the European trade association for marketers of advertising solutions across (multiple) screens and/or audio platforms, with the aim to help its members protect, grow and diversify their business around content edited and broadcast on a linear basis by their TV channels and/or radio stations.

The Global TV Group is an informal grouping of broadcasters’ and sales houses’ trade bodies in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America, whose joint objective is to promote television and remind advertisers, journalists, tech gurus, agencies and industry peers about the effectiveness and popularity of TV.

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat markkinoinnin ja viestinnän uutiset sekä uusimman MRKTNG-lehden ensimmäisten joukossa. Saat myös viikottain koulutuksistamme kerättyjä vinkkejä käyttöösi sekä tietoa järjestämistämme koulutuksista.


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