Covid19 Summit / Singularity University

Katso Singular Universityn COVID-19 Summit 18.3. Livelähetyksissä voi olla teknisiä haasteita, mutta esitykset tulevat myös myöhemmin katsottaviksi.

>>> Crowdcast Event Page

All sessions are being recorded and will be available in these two locations:


Day 3 – March 18, 2020 (Pacific Time)
8:20am – 8:30am Opening Remarks – Adam Hofmann

8:30am – 9:05am Using Virtual Worlds in a Time Of Travel Disruption – Aaron Frank
9:15am – 10:00am Five Ways Your Leadership Must Change To Thrive With Remote Work – Charlene Li
10:15am – 11:00am Remote & Distributed Work During Crises – Gary A. Bolles
11:15am – 11:45am Crisis Mode Education: How to Make the Most of Learning in a Global Pandemic – Jos Dirkx
12:00pm – 12:30pm Opportunities for more automation and remote delivery of goods and services – Peter Xing
1:00pm – 1:45pm Updates from the field: How governments and organizations are responding – Dr. Eric Rasmussen
2:00pm – 2:45pm Strengthening your company’s resilience against existential threats – Chipp Norcross & Paul D. Roberts
3:00pm – 3:45pm Fake news and media’s role in global emergencies – James Del
4:00pm – 4:45pm How you can take action during times of uncertainty – Christina Gerakiteys
4:55pm – 5:40pm Complexity: How leaders can navigate unpredictable situations – Catherine Brown & Chipp Norcross
5:40pm – 6:10pm Closing Thoughts – Dr. Tiffany Vora

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat markkinoinnin ja viestinnän uutiset sekä uusimman MRKTNG-lehden ensimmäisten joukossa. Saat myös viikottain koulutuksistamme kerättyjä vinkkejä käyttöösi sekä tietoa järjestämistämme koulutuksista.


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