SEKin Heli Roiha KIAFin tuomaristoon

KIAF tuomaristo

SEKin luova johtaja Heli Roiha on valittu Kyiv International Advertising Festivalin tuomaristoon.

Loput kilpailun kaikkiaan viidestä tuomaristosta julkistetaan lähipäivinä.

  • Luka Bajs, Executive Creative Director, SHIFT, Slovenia
  • Bayyina Black, Global Director, Sustainability & Impact, Make/Good, R/GA, USA
  • Raphael Brinkert, Founder, brinkertlück, Germany
  • Chrystel Jung, Associate Creative Director, BETC Paris, France
  • Tytus Klepacz, Content and Creative Consultant, PZL Warsaw, Poland
  • Marius Lukošius, Creative Director, Not Perfect Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Nail Muratov, Creative Director, SEED, Kazakhstan
  • Lizzie Murray, Studio Director, W+K Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Marsel Levi, Creative Director, Noble Graphics, Bulgaria
  • Heli Roiha, Creative Director, SEK, Finland

”This year, international experts will judge the works devoted exclusively to socially significant communications. Judges will evaluate the originality of creative ideas and non-standard approaches used in the creation of these communications. Besides mentioned criteria, it is important to review communications, designs and initiatives on whether they have had a beneficial and proven impact on the world. The entry has the potential to benefit society, it has resulted in tangible change, it is fit for purpose, it must be able to do the job it was designed to do.”

Lue tietoa kilpailuun osallistumisesta: Kyiv International Advertising Festival calls to make the world a better place



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